Case Study of Altruistic Behavior and Relational Network with Business Value on Local Travel Agency

  • Mei-Li Cheng Department of Tourism Culture Development, Kun Shan University
  • Tzu-Hsin Liu College of Management, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
  • Chin-Chiuan Lin Department of Business Administration, Kun Shan University, Taiwan
Keywords: Altruistic Behavior; Relational Network; Business Value.


The present study based on a local travel agency in Tainan, investigation how does the altruistic behavior affected the relational network and created the business value. The case company’s CEO had voluntary participated in charity societies more than 20 years. The present study first showed how the case company’s CEO to build an emotional relational network through altruistic behavior. Second, how does the emotional relational network form mixed relational network based on the key features demonstrated by altruistic behavior. Finally, also showed how the mixed relational network is transfer into an instrumental relational network. The results showed that the altruistic behavior can help local travel agency develop and increase their business value via relational network. The key factors to maximize the business value are the professional knowledge and altruistic behavior.


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How to Cite
Cheng, M.-L., Liu, T.-H., & Lin, C.-C. (2017). Case Study of Altruistic Behavior and Relational Network with Business Value on Local Travel Agency. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 8(3), 1455-1464. Retrieved from