The Influence of Corporate Governance Perception Index, Managerial Ownership, Government Ownership, and Sales Growth on Cost of Debt (Study in Non-Financial Companies Listed on IDX Year 2011-2014)

  • Mulia Saputra Accounting Department of Economy and Business Faculty,University of Syiah Kuala,23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
  • Muhammad Faizal Accounting Department of Economy and Business Faculty,University of Syiah Kuala,23111, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Keywords: Corporate Governance Perception Index, Managerial Ownership, Government Ownershi, Sales Growth, Cost of Debt.


This study aims to determine the influence of corporate governance perception index, managerial ownership, government ownership, and sales growth to cost of debt. The samples of this study are the non-financial companies listed on IDX (Indonesian Stock Exchange) year 2011-2014. The Samples are collected using purposive sampling method and resulted 36 units of analysis as the final samples. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicated that corporate governance perception index, managerial ownership, government ownership, and sales growth simultaneously influence the cost of debt. Partially, the research shows that corporate governance perception index, government ownership, and sales growth do not influence the cost debt. Meanwhile, the managerial ownership has positive significant influence on cost of debt.


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How to Cite
Saputra, M., & Faizal, M. (2016). The Influence of Corporate Governance Perception Index, Managerial Ownership, Government Ownership, and Sales Growth on Cost of Debt (Study in Non-Financial Companies Listed on IDX Year 2011-2014). Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 6(2), 845-857. Retrieved from