Female Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Sector. The Case of Municipality of Pogoni in the Period of Economic Crisis

  • Apostolos D Zaridis Hellenic Open University, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, University of the Aegean.
  • Athina Rontogianni Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Region of Epirus
  • Kostas Karamanis Assisant Proffessor, Derartment of Accounting and Finance, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece
Keywords: female entrepreneurship, smes, small business, agricultural sector, agribusiness, women entrepreneurs


Purpose of this field research is the study of the multifunctional role of rural women both in development and primary sector’s businesses. The survey was conducted in 2014, in Municipality of Pogoni, Greece, by personal interviews and questionnaire with women holding a small business in primary sector. Thus, the results about female entrepreneurship are unique for this specific rural area. It is concluded that within modernization of agricultural sector, the role of rural women has greatly improved in production and organization of agricultural labor. Female entrepreneurship networking, small businesses’ succession, and necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship in primary sector’s businesses are examined and also how these affect female entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurs’ opinions were catalogued. Factors such as education and vocational training are important in enhancing the role of rural women. Finally, main problems woman entrepreneur faces, mainly economic and managerial, were pointed out, while economic crisis seems to affect negatively the agricultural sector of this region.


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Author Biography

Kostas Karamanis, Assisant Proffessor, Derartment of Accounting and Finance, Technological Educational Institute of Epirus, Greece


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How to Cite
Zaridis, A., Rontogianni, A., & Karamanis, K. (2015). Female Entrepreneurship in Agricultural Sector. The Case of Municipality of Pogoni in the Period of Economic Crisis. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 4(4), 486-491. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jrbem/article/view/498