The Entrepreneurial Attitude and Intentions of Newly Enrolled University Students – Issues and Policy Implications

  • Abdullah Ismail Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Management, School of Business, Institute of Technology (ITB), Brunei.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Attitude, Intention, Students, University, Policy


The amount of entrepreneurial activities carried out by individuals is related to the presence of a supporting entrepreneurial context, and with having a positive  entrepreneurial attitude and intention. The subject of entrepreneurial attitude and intention has been widely researched previously within various contexts using different analytical frameworks. The current study aims at inquiring those stimulating factors that may potentially trigger the entrepreneurial drive, attitude and intention among the newly enrolled university students. The study also discusses those major challenges and risks which are perceived by the respondents as bottlenecks and barriers to their entrepreneurial journey i.e. in their efforts to turn their entrepreneurial intentions into actions, and thus to move forward from being a “latent entrepreneur” to a “nascent entrepreneur”. The newly enrolled university students in one of the higher educational institution in the United Arab Emirates has been chosen as a case study. Mixed method research has been employed to conduct this study on the selected sample size of 121 students that include both males and females almost in equal proportion. This research offers some interesting results and findings, deemed to be informative and relevant for young entrepreneurs, policymakers, universities, financial institutions, industrial players and academic researchers alike. 


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How to Cite
Ismail, A. (2015). The Entrepreneurial Attitude and Intentions of Newly Enrolled University Students – Issues and Policy Implications. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 4(3), 426-436. Retrieved from