Impact of Emotional intelligence on the productivity of petroleum firms in southern Nigeria

  • Anichebe Nnaemeka A. Ag. Dean, College of Management Sciences Evangel University Akaeze Ebonyi State
  • Igwe Nicholas N. Associate Professor, Department of Business Management Godfrey Okoye University, Ugwuomu-Nike Enugu
Keywords: Impact; Emotional Intelligence; Productivity; Petroleum Firms; Effectiveness.


Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware, control and express one’s emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Being emotionally intelligent involves tuning into emotions, understanding them and taking appropriate action. This paper examines the impact of emotional intelligence on the productivity of oil firms in Southern Nigeria. The sporadic disruption of oil production by the host communities through youth militancy accentuated by the dwindling fortunes of revenue to the government has been a great concern to all stakeholders. An inductive research design was adopted. Data collection instruments were the use of structured questionnaire and interviews. The population of the study was 11,600 with the sample size of 637 determined using the Freund and Williams Method. Simple random sampling technique was used to determine the sample points. Linear regression anchored on Pearson correlation was utilized to analyze the data. The findings reveal that emotional intelligence influences employees’ behavior at work positively and improved the productivity of the selected petroleum firms. It is recommended that managers of the petroleum firms in Nigeria should develop transformational leadership among their workforce and create effective relationship management.


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How to Cite
Nnaemeka A., A., & Nicholas N., I. (2020). Impact of Emotional intelligence on the productivity of petroleum firms in southern Nigeria. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 15(1), 65-77. Retrieved from