• Michael F. Centino The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas and Associate Professor, College of Accountancy and Business Administration, San Carlos College Mabini St., San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines 2420
  • Mary Caroline N. Castaῆo The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas
  • Jenny Beb F. Ebo Cavite State University
Keywords: Global Competitiveness, Global Value Chain, Gravity Model, Philippine Mango, Panel Regression.


The competitive edge of the Philippines in the global market has been recorded in the trading history. Its contribution to the economy is notable; however trading is limited to fresh mangoes. Likewise, the continuous decrease of area planted to mangoes contributed to its bounded participation in global value chain. Meanwhile, some countries in Southeast Asia emerged in the industry and further threatened the entrance of Philippine mango in the foreign market. This situation will be altered by strengthening the country’s global competitiveness, gross domestic product and implementing policies on remoteness of the country as the result of integrating gravity model using the fixed effect panel regression.


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How to Cite
Centino, M. F., N. CastaῆoM. C., & F. Ebo, J. B. (2020). THE PHILIPPINE MANGO GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS: A VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS USING GRAVITY MODEL. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 14(2), 2628-2637. Retrieved from