The Contribution of Female Human Capital toward Economic Growth in Zimbabwe

  • Nobukhosi Mitchel Dube Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Sisheng Xie College of Economics and Management, Office 918 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (JiangNing District) Nanjing, PR China
  • Michael Boakye Osei Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 200 Xiaolingwei, 210094 Nanjing, PR China
Keywords: Zimbabwe, Female human capital, Production Function, Economic Growth, Human Resource Development.


Most Societies want more investments in women education and health because of the greater social returns (external benefits) accruing from women’s human capital as compared to that of men. An Improvement in women’s health increases productivity by increasing life expectancy and reducing mortality. Female education equips girls at all education levels with skills to effectively compete in the labour market and contribute to their economies. Education also has some significant consequences for the composition and skills of the labour force the ultimate driver of economic growth. This research uses published statistics on growth domestic product, labour, capital, education enrolment at different levels and life expectancy to calculate the contribution of female human capital towards economic growth in Zimbabwe. The study further more introduced a Cobb Douglas Production function as the mathematical model that was suitable to study separate male and female human capital. Human Capital was taken as education enrolment at different levels and life expectancy as a proxy for health for the years 2000 to 2016. Alongside we made use of labour, capital and gross domestic product. The results indicated that female human capital is significant and therefore has a positive impact on economic growth.Further-more
recommendations have been given to the government, institutions as well as individuals on the steps to be taken towards a female empowered economy.


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How to Cite
Dube, N., Xie, S., & Boakye Osei, M. (2019). The Contribution of Female Human Capital toward Economic Growth in Zimbabwe. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 13(4), 2540-2554. Retrieved from