Influence Analysis of Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Flexibility to Competitive Advantage and Impact on Company Performance of Fish Processing in Bitung City

  • Indrie - Debby Palandeng Faculty of Economics and Business Sam Ratulangi University.
  • Paul Kindangen Faculty of Economics and Business Sam Ratulangi University,Indonesia
  • Altje Tumbel Faculty of Economics and Business Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia
  • James Massie Faculty of Economics and Business Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Flexibility, Competitive Advantages, Company


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of supply chain management and supply chain flexibility on company performance through competitive advantage. Samples are used through survey method on all fish processing companies that conduct export activities amounting to 21 companies. Data collection method is interview and questioner then analyzed with Partial Least Square (PLS). This research develops dimensions of supply chain management ie customer relationship management, internal supply chain management, supplier relationship management and supply chain flexibility to test relationships with competitive advantage and firm performance

The results show that supply chain management has a positive influence on competitive advantage and firm performance. Likewise, supply chain flexibility has a positive effect on competitive advantage and firm performance. Competitive advantage also has a positive influence on the performance of fish processing companies in Bitung City. Based on the results of the study can be concluded that the improvement of company performance is highly dependent on supply chain management practices, supply chain flexibility and competitive advantage. From these findings it is recommended that the company's management maintain and improve relationships with suppliers, customers and improve the internal supply chain to produce better value-added products and demand fulfillment. Supply chain flexibility is essential for any fish processing company in Bitung to measure the extent to which the supply chain can respond to fluctuations in demand and change. New breakthroughs in delivering diverse products or improving work quality will enable the company to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. Supply chain management practices and supply chain flexibility will ultimately improve competitive advantage and improve the performance of fish processing companies in Bitung City.


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Author Biography

Indrie - Debby Palandeng, Faculty of Economics and Business Sam Ratulangi University.
Management, A rank from National accredited organization


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How to Cite
Debby Palandeng, I., Kindangen, P., Tumbel, A., & Massie, J. (2018). Influence Analysis of Supply Chain Management and Supply Chain Flexibility to Competitive Advantage and Impact on Company Performance of Fish Processing in Bitung City. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 10(1), 1783-1802. Retrieved from