Entrepreneurial Culture Extrapolate Perception by Extrinsic Incentive Management

  • Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand Department of Industrial Management,College of Management,Economy and Accounting,Tabriz Branch,Islamic Azad University,Iran.
Keywords: Systems extrapolate perception management, Systems extrapolate perception humanistic approach, System extrapolate perception factor.


Organization can adopt various systems extrapolate perception humanistic approach empowerment practices to enhance employee satisfaction .This papers considers the extrinsic incentive management .The strategic importance of workers is discussed and their interaction as an asset, with other important organization assets. The basic methodologies for workers are then explained and their limitation are considered . The systems extrapolate perception revolution moves recording and analysis activities that were traditionally professional performance lines of activities focused to high operational content. The scientific and systems extrapolate perception progress, growth and internationalization of markets, processors are processes in which the accounting profession plays a leading role of extrinsic incentive management. This study has reviewed how organizations, as powerful systems extrapolate perception humanistic approach empowerment and development eating institutions, have applied normative expectations and established boundaries for the acceptable expression of emotion among employees through tactics such as applicant screening and selection measures.


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Author Biography

Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand, Department of Industrial Management,College of Management,Economy and Accounting,Tabriz Branch,Islamic Azad University,Iran.
Associate ProfessorIslamic Azad University,Iran.
How to Cite
Farahmand, N. (2015). Entrepreneurial Culture Extrapolate Perception by Extrinsic Incentive Management. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 2(1), 56-68. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jrbem/article/view/12