Total Factor Productivity and Sources of Long Term Growth in Togolese Agriculture

  • Koffi Yovo Department of Agricultural Economic, College of Agriculture, University of Lome
Keywords: Growth, Total Factor Productivity, Agriculture.


The paper attempts to measure the total factor productivity (TFP) in order to provide better empirical evidence on its contribution to Togolese agriculture growth. It applies the conventional growth accounting framework to the time series data at an aggregate level over the period 1970-2014. The determinants of TFP growth are then identified using the error correction modelling technique. The results confirm the general expectation from previous studies that TFP makes an important contribution to agricultural output growth even though it displays two main episodes, a deceleration during the state intervention period and an acceleration episode during the liberalization period. The paper highlights the fact that the agricultural research and extension policies play an important role in determining the TFP long term growth.


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How to Cite
Yovo, K. (2017). Total Factor Productivity and Sources of Long Term Growth in Togolese Agriculture. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 8(6), 1563-1576. Retrieved from