Collaboration or Cooperation: Concept Definitions When Merging Interests of the State and Extractive Companies of Ukraine

  • Yuliia Halynska Associate Professor, Department of Management, Sumy State University
Keywords: Collaboration, Cooperation, Competition, Natural Resource Rent, Coordination Of Interests.


We can define cooperation or collaboration as the partnership of alliance members in the performance of a specific work or task in the frameworks of one project. We identified the differences between the concepts of collaboration and cooperation in the various countries in accordance with the historical and geographical position. For the first time we defined the concept of collaboration in coordination of interests of the state and the extractive companies in the redistribution of netural resource rent and the formation of social responsibility in the extraction of natural resources in the load regions.


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How to Cite
Halynska, Y. (2017). Collaboration or Cooperation: Concept Definitions When Merging Interests of the State and Extractive Companies of Ukraine. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 8(4), 1470-1476. Retrieved from