The Unfamiliar as Object of an Empirical Science
The question of this paper follows an empirical study carried out from 2013 to 2015 in five EU countries. The paper looks for a method by which empirical statements can be comprehensibly generalized. The answer is given before a methodological-constructive background. Empirical statements about persons and events are an integral part of the concept. However these statements serve to form input hypotheses. In order to decide the hypotheses, the linguistic means must be provided. In Methodical Constructivism, the general occurs in language as the generality of a predicator. Predication is the place where the relationship between individual and universal can be developed. The concept is based on a process called "dialogical training of experience". With its help, characteristics can be assigned to persons methodically secured; the syntax and semantics of a science language can be provided as an interpreted formal language; and transitions from particular to empirical assertions can be established.
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