Electronic accounting Applications using Cloud Computing technology

  • Alameen Eltoum Mohamed Abdalrahman College of sciences, Computer Department, Alasmaryia University, Libya
  • Adil Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud College of Computing & IT, I. S. department, Shaqra University, Libya
Keywords: Electronic accounting, Cloud computing, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).


Todays electronic accounting have become dependent on the information technologies and communication (IcTs) to support procesess ,business , functions and financial activities technology acts as a major requisite. One of these technologies is a cloud computing which has changed the ways we exchange financial information and presentation of this interpreted and analyzed financial data to the end user or the client. cloud computing has a great role in mounting the heights on which e_accounting , cloud computing has helped the facades of business functions particularly e_accounting in achieving flexibility and efficiency like never before. The electronic accounting has again played its role in giving new dimensions to these business functions via the Cloud Computing.e_accounting applications going to move from the desktop into the cloud computing, where e_accounting applications and accounting books are hosted on a cloud consisting of thousands of computers and servers this can gain many benefits for e_accounting appliacation also faces many problems.


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How to Cite
Mohamed Abdalrahman, A., & Mahmoud, A. M. (2015). Electronic accounting Applications using Cloud Computing technology. Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 4(2), 297-302. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jisct/article/view/244