Pilot Aided Transmissions Technique to Achieve Optimal Effective Capacity Over Imperfect Channel Estimation in Cognitive Radio Networks

  • Mohamed Elalem Al-Mergib University, Libya, Khoms, Libya
Keywords: Transmissions Technique


In cognitive radio networks, a secondary user (SU) can share the same frequency band with the primary user (PU) as long as the interference introduced to the later is below a predefined threshold. In this paper, the transmission performance in cognitive radio networks is studied assuming imperfect channel estimation, and taking quality of service (QoS) constraints into consideration. It is assumed that the cognitive transmitter can perform channel estimation and send the data at two different rates and power levels depending on the activity of the primary users. The existence of the primary user can be detected by channel sensing. A two-state Markov chain process is used to model the existence of the primary users. The cognitive transmission is also configured as a state transition model depending on whether the rates are higher or lower than the instantaneous rates values. This paper studies the maximum capacity of the cognitive user under the delay constraint. We use the new metric concept of effective capacity of the channel and introduce an optimization problem for rate and power allocation under interference power constraints. An numerical example illustrates the average effective capacity optimization and the impact of other system parameters. 


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How to Cite
Elalem, M. (2017). Pilot Aided Transmissions Technique to Achieve Optimal Effective Capacity Over Imperfect Channel Estimation in Cognitive Radio Networks. Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 6(2), 625-637. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jisct/article/view/1335