• Mochammad Fahlevi Kusuma Negara Business School https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1419-8308
  • Saefudin Zuhri Kusuma Negara Business School
  • Ryani Dhyan Parashakti University of Mercubuana
  • Muhammad Ekhsan Pelita Bangsa Business School
Keywords: food truck, wellington, leadership, market


The purpose of this study is to understand and observe the leadership characteristics applied to Small Medium Enterprise (SME) such as food truck businesses in Wellington Night Market to achieve and maintain a long-lasting success. The benefit of this study would be help the readers to understand the concept of leadership and leadership style in order to find the most effective leadership style for the food truck business model. Applying an effective leadership style will improve the performance and job satisfaction of the employees. The Wellington Night Market has been the researcher interest as the environment has not yet been explored. The culture that has been developed in Wellington where food truck has been spotlight in evening activities is the main factor Wellington Night Markets have been such a success. Wellington Night Markets also become a tourist spot where tourists can find local entertainments and great variety of food


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Author Biography

Mochammad Fahlevi, Kusuma Negara Business School

Experienced Research Executive in Finance and writing several books and journals. Having experienced as well became lecturer at School of Business Kusuma Negara, with materials such as Finance, Islamic Banking, Business, Feasibility Studies, and Research Methodology. Education & Experience Graduated with Master of Management degree in Management, School of Business Kusuma Negara, Jakarta Graduated with Master of Philosophy degree in Philosophy studies, Islamic College, London PhD Candidate in Management, University of Brawijaya, Malang


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How to Cite
Fahlevi, M., Zuhri, S., Parashakti, R., & Ekhsan, M. (2019). LEADERSHIP STYLES OF FOOD TRUCK BUSINESSES. Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 13(2), 2437-2442. Retrieved from https://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jrbem/article/view/1731