Determinants of Dividend in Indian Fertilizer Industry

  • R. Velmurugan Associate Professor in Commerce, Karpagam University, Coimbatore-21, India
Keywords: Dividend, Fertilizer Industry, Cash Flow, Profitability.


Investors before investing in any company examines the dividend paid by the company and wishes to invest in company which declares higher rate of dividend. Dividend declaration of the company depends on numerous factors namely previous year dividend declaration rate, previous year cash flow, current year earning capacity, proportion of retained earning and the like. In this present study an attempt has been made to identify the factors influencing dividend declaration in Indian fertilizer industry. By employing correlation test, it is found that dividend declaration in Indian fertilizer industry is related with previous year dividend, Current year depreciation, Current year Profit after Tax, Current Year Sales and Previous Year Cash flow.


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How to Cite
Velmurugan, R. (2015). Determinants of Dividend in Indian Fertilizer Industry. Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences, 1(1), 1-4. Retrieved from