Empirical Social Science Between Object Level and Representation Level

  • Peter Krope University of Kiel
Keywords: Methodical Constructivism; Logical Empirism; empirical knowledge efforts; analytical a priori; experiential a priori; transsubjectivity


The question of this paper follows an empirical study carried out from 2019 to 2021. The paper looks for a method by which empirical statements about transsubjective argumentations can be answered in a syntactically correct and semantically interpreted scientific language. The answer is given by demarcating Methodological Constructivism against Logical Empirism. In Logical Empirism, only an analytical a priori is recognized. In Methodical Constructivism, the experiential a priori is addressed, which makes a transsubjective orientation possible in the first place.  


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Author Biography

Peter Krope, University of Kiel

Institute for Education

Department of Research Methods and Theories

Prof. (retired)


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How to Cite
Krope, P. (2022). Empirical Social Science Between Object Level and Representation Level. Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences, 12(1), 1-5. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprss/article/view/2134