The Specific Characteristics of the Biophysical System Theory
Biophysical model can help to see certain phases more clearly and sharply giving way for experimentation. But by all means, the biophysical model is always suitable to correct faults and direct further investigations in the proper way. Another aspect which equally stresses the usefulness of the model on trial: once we keep a solution in hand we get a great number of testing chance through it as well. We can foretell on the basis of the model in what direction a given biological process shall deviate by changing single parameters. There is no sharp limit between compartments and the number of compartments can be increased or diminished by amplification and reduction, respectively. The enlargement and reduction of the compartments depend on the researcher and the compartmentization is confined by Heisenberg’s principle. With the living systems, too, even in the case of very much parameters there exists a critical point, for example the upper limit of the body temperature which goes around 43 oC in the human being. Similarly, there is a critical value for the blood pressure, for the oxygen concentration, etc. These problems belong to the most difficult tasks of the up-to-date science and evenly appear in the most various chapters of the natural sciences. The biogenesis in the univers shows scale behaviour, too: of the cell it is characteristic to be living (it can be cultivated under laboratory conditions), organs built up of cells are living (organ transplantation is possible), organisms built up of organs are also living, according to the most universal law of the biogenesis, life appears on a certain evolutional stage of the universe, in different parts of the space. From the biological point of view the types of interactions are no more so clearly confinable. First of all we can consider the metabolism as a fundamental interaction which realizes the unity of the living organism with its environment. The life under study is disappearing as we proceed from the living whole towards the lifeless constituents. This means that the life does not equal to the sum of its constituents. The more we dissect these living units the farther we get from the biology and finally we reach the superb, eternal and universal physical laws of the lifeless matter.
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