Words of the Leader: “Justice Supports the National Idea and Diplomacy”

  • Guliev Arif Jamiloglu Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine National Aviation University NASU
Keywords: National Idea and Diplomacy


The article is dedicated to the modernizing the Republic of Azerbaijan every day - the biggest tribute to the blessed memory of the great leader, whose 97th anniversary we celebrate with great respect May 10 this year. As long as our national state exists, HeydarAliyev, the founder of our Motherland, will always live in the heart of the Azerbaijani people, his bright ideas will constantly illuminate our path.


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How to Cite
Jamiloglu, G. A. (2020). Words of the Leader: “Justice Supports the National Idea and Diplomacy”. Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences, 10(1), 1-9. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprss/article/view/1896