Acquittal Judgment

  • Azem Hajdari Professor at University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Law Faculty, Criminal Department, Professor of Criminal Procedure Law
Keywords: Judgment; Acquittal; Court; Prosecutor; Defendant.


The acquittal judgment is a meritorious judgment by means of which the court resolves a criminal case being object of trial. Hence, by this type of judgment the court concludes criminal case, by releasing the defendant from all charges. The acquittal judgment within this scientific paper shall be handled in several aspects. Here, shall be reflected the meaning of acquittal judgment, its characteristics, criteria concerning imposition of the acquittal judgment and the authority regarding its imposition as well as the procedure and effects of this type of judgment. Also, within this scientific paper shall be handled the Kosovo Basic Courts activity in relation to imposition of this type of judgment during the period of time 2015-2017.During the preparation of this scientific paper I have used legal, comparative, analysis and statistical methods.


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How to Cite
Hajdari, A. (2018). Acquittal Judgment. Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences, 8(3), 662-668. Retrieved from