Burnout Levels among Senior Students in Applied Sciences Faculties: An Empirical Analysis in Turkey
Nowadays, the burnout which is one of the most influential concepts of work experience has become an important focus of attention in scientific studies by recognizing the negative effects that it has on organizations and individuals. In the business world, the phenomenon of burnout, which is often seen in employees who are in intensive and constant communication with people, is also felt in university students as well as employees. The aim of this study is to examine the burnout levels of students who graduated from the same faculties as those who pursue undergraduate education in the Applied Sciences Faculties in Turkey and to classify these burnout levels according to certain variables. In other words, the research aims to reveal the differences in the burnout levels of graduates and non-graduates. In the study, the “Maslach Burnout Scale” was used to measure burnout levels. Findings show that those who continue to undergraduate education have higher burnout levels than graduates. The results also indicate that there is generally no difference between graduated and non-graduated students' burnout levels according to gender and employment status, but there are differences in the sub-dimensions of burnout.
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