Lived Experience of Secondary School Teachers in the K To12 Curriculum
This study was conceptualized to explore the lives of the land owners under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) in the province of Iloilo. This study employed the descriptive multiple case study method. The respondents were five (5) land owners of which one land owner per congressional district. The data gathering tools used was in-depth interviews and semi–structured interviews. Document analysis was also established. Data were transcribed, analyzed and coded into themes. The researchers developed the category and theme based on the data gathered. The theory generated from narrative data reveals that theoretically, land owner’s feelings are still attached to the parcel of their lands covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program. In addition, landowners cope with the loss of their lands as they shift from agriculture to another field of endeavor such as work abroad, engaged in real estate, etc. The lost of the land of the landowners to the farmer-beneficiaries motivated them to try other field of ventures. Lastly, the land owners experienced problems such as insufficient notice and time especially to those who are residing and working abroad.
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