Investigation of Students' attitudes about the status of the Payame Noor University (Case study: Saghez branch)
The current paper was aimed at examining the Payame Noor University situation from the view of students which was administered in a descriptive and analytical way. The statistical population consisted of all PNU students, Saghez branch in the year 2014, and the statistical sample was 309 people based on the Cochran formula. The tool for gathering data was a standard questionnaire. To measure the validity of the questionnaire, its content validity was examined and the reliability was estimated to be 0.91% by using the Spearman correlation coefficient, while the Spearman Brown reliability coefficient was estimated to be 0.87%. Data were analyzed at two descriptive and inferential statistical ways. Research findings revealed that the respondents evaluated faculty members, self-teaching books, examinations and equipment as moderate, time at which classrooms were held as positive and hours of practical lessons, physical space and research facilities as weak. The findings were found to be consistent with those of researches and theories provided in the area of distance learning.
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