Assessing The Effect of Print News Media Marketing Strategies on Newspaper Distribution in Rwanda
The study assessed the effect of print media marketing strategies on newspaper distribution in Rwanda. The study objectives were: to assess the effect of use of new technology on newspaper distribution in Rwanda, and to examine the effect of newspaper pricing on newspaper distribution in Rwanda. The study employed a descriptive non- experimental case study design with a triangulation approach involving both qualitative and quantitative methods in data analysis. A likert scale questionnaire with close-ended questions and an open-ended questionnaire were used for data collection. Using SPSS, the data was coded and analyzed. The findings of the study indicate that the use of new technology by The New Times and Imvaho Nshya newspapers has a significant positive relationship with newspaper distribution in Rwanda. Also, newspaper pricing was found to have a strong positive significant relationship with newspaper distribution in Rwanda. Thus, the study recommends among other things a further investigation into effect of use of GSM technology in newspaper distribution in Rwanda.
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