Information Visualization Tool for Academic Institutions: Imam University as a Case Study

  • Omar A. AlShathry Quality & Development Unit, College of Computer Sciences & Informatics n, Imam Mohammed bin Saud University, KSA
Keywords: Information Visualization, Learning Analytic, EDM.


Educational data has become prime focus of researchers in the past recent years. The emergence of academic disciplines like Learning Analytic (LA) and Educational Data Mining (EDM) has declared that universities and educational institutes have entered the era of Big-data. Academic administrators (like deans/directors) are keen to have greater level of visibility of their educational processes so as to be able to manage their performance records. This article proposes an interactive information visualization tool that displays students and university records, and analyse them against a set of performance indicators. This article is part of intended future research of developing a performance management system that integrates LA techniques and balanced scorecards concept to monitor the performance of educational institutes against the attainment of business strategies.


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How to Cite
AlShathry, O. A. (2016). Information Visualization Tool for Academic Institutions: Imam University as a Case Study. Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 5(3), 529-533. Retrieved from