A Review: Cloud Computing Technologies and It's Technical Improvements
Cloud computing is an evolution of web based internet application and describes an advance consumption, supplement and delivery model for Information Technology and ICT services based on the global network. This enables allocation of resources and costs across a large pool of users while providing on-demand services with dynamic scalability. So we can say that a technology that has the capability and potential to offer solutions for IT Industries of cloud computing. Cloud computing provide service-oriented access to users least compromising on security. In today's era software and their services are biggest cost concern for the implementation of IT environment in an organization. Cloud has the capability to reduce the cost in dramatic way for the all kind of the organization even it is small scale Industry or a big corporate organization. This makes Cloud an excellent platform to host IT based services and application. The basic intention of this article is whatever improvement happening in cloud technology and in web technology mention sub sequentially. If we apply them in existing IT Industries application running under various department then we can minimize the some of the most basic affected components of application software like cost of the software in its execution, optimal time for usage and running of application software, storage capacity for storing of the data and network infrastructure used for the functioning of the application software.Downloads
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