Adaptive Security Mechanism: a study on the different approaches to mobile devices

  • Zair Abdelouahab UFMA, DEINF, Avenida dos Portugueses, s/n, Campus Universitario do Bacanga, CEP 65085-580, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
  • Claudio Aroucha UFMA, DEINF, Avenida dos Portugueses, s/n, Campus Universitario do Bacanga, CEP 65085-580, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
  • Denivaldo Lopes UFMA, DEINF, Avenida dos Portugueses, s/n, Campus Universitario do Bacanga, CEP 65085-580, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
  • Jonathan Santos UFMA, DEINF, Avenida dos Portugueses, s/n, Campus Universitario do Bacanga, CEP 65085-580, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
  • Willian Ribeiro UFMA, DEINF, Avenida dos Portugueses, s/n, Campus Universitario do Bacanga, CEP 65085-580, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
  • Higo Pires UFMA, DEINF, Avenida dos Portugueses, s/n, Campus Universitario do Bacanga, CEP 65085-580, Sao Luis, Maranhao, Brazil
Keywords: Adaptive Security, Mobile Computing, Cryptography, Authentication.


This article provides an overview of some major works that focus on the use of adaptive security for mobile computing to protect information and data traffic. The limited resources on the mobile device makes security mechanisms implementations very expensive. However, these devises are very attractive to attackers to exploit their weaknesses, launch scanning attacks, and man-in-the-middle attacks to have access to private data of mobile users. To provide security for users of mobile devices, security mechanism with the ability to adapt to various states and situations may be applied such as encryption to increase confidentiality, authentication so that only authorized users or systems have access to its data, and prioritizes ergonomics of the mobile device. For this purpose, mobile features such as CPU, memory, battery, and the environment in which it is connected must be operated by the adaptive security mechanism.


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How to Cite
Abdelouahab, Z., Aroucha, C., Lopes, D., Santos, J., Ribeiro, W., & Pires, H. (2015). Adaptive Security Mechanism: a study on the different approaches to mobile devices. Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 2(2), 147-153. Retrieved from