A Cloud-based Business Analytics for Supply Chain Decision Support
Todays businesses are required to have control over the big volume of data, transaction information and records that are rapidly generated through networked sensors, Internet sites, smart devices, and industrial machines. This big data are significant to process, store, manipulate and communicate for various strategic and operational purposes. The pattern, growth or declining facts/rates of the big-data are important for developing business strategies, improving management and operational business decision making. Although through various individual interactions the big-data are continuously created or re-created by offline and online activities, the actual solution design by offering power of analytics have not been discussed at a greater extent over the past. In this paper, we introduce a combined requirement of developing cloud-based analytics system to handle, retrieve, and manipulate the big data for improving decision making in supply chain management. The main emphasis in the study goes after outlining a conceptual analytics approach for meeting the decision support needs in a hypothetical supply chain industry problem-domain, specially focusing on decision support application for individual chain managers.
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