Reducing effect of delay in voice and data in integrated Networks
This paper introduces the importance of queuing in integrated networks. Our study will be included the defining, analysis and importance of M/M/1 model "markovian (i.e. Exponential)/markovian/number of server" in queuing. The analysis of M/M/1 model is presented and indicate that the importance of M/M/1 model in queuing but at a certain values of 𝝀 "arrival rate" & µ "service rate ".After making comparison between a previous study carried out and my self-study with different values of arrival rate (𝝀) in integrated networks, indicate that traffic intensity " " must be less than one " ,with decreasing the values of “ λ&µ “ the values of waiting time in system and queuing are very high and with increasing the values of ”𝝀&µ“ at condition 𝝀<µ can obtain the best parameters of " mean number (length) of packet in the system ", " mean number (length) of packet in the queue ", " The total waiting time in system including service time" and " mean time waiting spent in queue" . These parameters is very important especially , as they are effects on a timming of queuing which in turns effects in reducing delay in voice and data in integrated networks.
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