Point-Of-Sales Systems in Food and Beverage Industry: Efficient Technology and Its User Acceptance
The objective of the study was to review the factors that influence the acceptance of the points of sales (POS) technology, as the main systems used in the restaurants environment. It is critical that those POS perceived as proper use for the business growth and development. A conceptual framework is explained by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), were reviewed 28 research articles associated with the acceptance of the points of sales (POS) technology. The literature evidence found indicates the acceptance of POS systems in the F&B industry, including those factors which may affect its implementation and use. Attitude toward POS is affected by individual differences, times, training and company supports. Perceived usefulness of the POS is influenced by information quality, benefits information. The perceived ease of use of the POS is influence by enjoyment. Therefore, that strategy implementation, employee learning, ethical decisions, positive employeemanagement relationship, and personalization level are factors that support technology acceptance.Downloads
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