Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete using Iron Waste as Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate
Plenty of Iron waste is available from steel plant, Sohar and it will affect the environment when it is dumped in soil. Also, every year huge quantity of concrete is used for building construction in Oman. In this project work, iron waste was collected from Sohar steel plant and was mixed with concrete. The aim of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of concrete with iron waste to be compared with normal concrete. The percentages of iron waste can be added to concrete as 0%, 10%, 15% and 20% were based on literature review. For experimental work, cubes were casted with iron waste. Also, slump test was conducted to measure the workability of fresh concrete. Furthermore, density of concrete with and without iron waste was determined. Finally, compressive strength test of concrete cubes was done for C30 grade concrete. Test result shows that compressive strength is reducing by increasing iron waste percentage.
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