The hydrodynamics of quantum spacetime - The minimal essentials of a new quantum theory
This is a somewhat long and extended abstract of a paper that presents a relatively short and concise review of a new quantum mechanics. This new theory is anchored in the hydrodynamical paradigm first introduced by L. Prandtl in his famous boundary layer theory. In addition the original ideas of L. Prandtl are expanded to encompass and combine with ideas from von Neumann-Connes’ pointless noncommutative geometry, Penrose-like fractal tiling cosmology, E-infinity Cantorian theory and the platonic golden mean number system based transfinite set theory. Proceeding in this way it is reasoned that while the pre-quantum particle and the pre-quantum wave may be best described as a multi dimensional zero set and empty set respectively in stringent mathematical terms, in physical terms however the new picture of a bluff body modelling the quantum particle and a surrounding Prandtl boundary layer modelling the quantum wave is virtually a quantum jump in our understanding of quantum physics in general and quantum wave collapse in particular. In that respect the work has some resemblance to that pilot wave theory of de Broglie and Bohm but is by no means more than that. The work is naturally connected to very specialized hydrodynamics related fields apart of Batchelor’s law and the important earthquake engineering subject of liquefaction which is of paramount importance for designing buildings with high resistance to earthquakes among other things. The concerted use of all these mathematical, experimental and number theoretical tools combine in the present paper to give a new synthesis for a deeper understanding of what we label the classical and quantum world predominantly for simplicity rather than logical, mandatory reasons.
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