A Grand Unification of the Sciences, Arts & Consciousness: Rediscovering the Pythagorean Plato’s Golden Mean Number System
In this condensed paper, by combining the insights from E-Infinity theory, along with Plato‘s initiatory insights into the golden section imbedded in his Principles of the One and Indefinite Dyad, David Bohm‘s ontological framework of the superimplicate, implicate and explicate orders, and the pervasive presence throughout physics, chemistry, biology and cosmology of the golden ratio (often veiled in Fibonacci and Lucas numbers), a profound golden mean number system emerges underlying the cosmos, nature and consciousness. This ubiquitous presence is evident in quantum mechanics, including quark masses, the chaos border, fine structure constant and entanglement, entropy and thermodynamic equilibrium, the periodic table of elements, nanotechnology, crystallography, computing, digital information, cryptography, genetics, nucleotide arrangement, Homo sapiens and Neanderthal genomes, DNA structure, cardiac anatomy and physiology, biometric measurements of the human and mammalian skulls, weather turbulence, plant
phyllotaxis, planetary orbits and sizes, black holes, dark energy, dark matter, and even cosmogenesis – the very origin and structure of the universe. This has been pragmatically extended through the most ingenious biomimicry, from robotics, artificial intelligence, engineering and urban design, to extensions throughout history in architecture, music and the arts. We propose herein a grand unification of the sciences, arts and consciousness, rooted in an ontological superstructure known to the ancients as the One and Indefinite
Dyad, that gives rise to a golden mean number system which is the substructure of all existence.
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