In-Vitro Evaluation of Ethanolic Extracts of Zingiber Officinale, Sygzium Aromaticum and their 1:1 Extracts Blend on Protein Denaturation During Acute Inflammation
Zingiber officinale and Sygzium aromaticum are well known and widely used herbs, which possesses health promoting properties as well as several other interesting bioactive constituents. The use of flavonoids and other natural antioxidants, as a therapeutic option, is found desirable and increasingly being practiced. This study aimed to evaluate and compare the anti-inflammatory effects of ethanolic extracts of Zingiber officinale and Sygzium aromaticum and a 1:1 blend of the two extracts against the denaturation of protein in vitro. The test extracts of varying concentrations were incubated with egg albumin under controlled experimental conditions and subjected to determination of absorbance to assess the anti-inflammatory property. A standard anti-inflammatory drug, Ibuprofen, was used as reference drug. The results obtained exhibited a concentration- dependent inhibition of protein (albumin) denaturation by both extracts, including the 1:1 blend of the extracts. From the present findings it can be concluded that both Zingiber officinale and Sygzium aromaticum possessed marked anti-inflammatory effect against the denaturation of protein, in vitro; with Zingiber officinale extract being more effective than the Sygzium aromaticum extract.
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