Physico-chemical Analysis of Ground Water Quality of Kalavad Taluka of Jamnagar District(Gujarat)
Physicochemical analysis of ground water samples were collected from different places of Kalavad taluka of Jamnagar district (India). These Fifteen samples of water samples from different places were analyzed for their physicochemical characteristics. All the samples were collected from the different places. People used water for drinking and irrigation purpose these water samples from fifteen different places of Kalavad, were analyzed for their physicochemical characteristics. Laboratory tests were performed for analysis as Temperature Calcium, Magnesium, hardness, pH; Chloride, Alkalinity, TDS, sulphate, phosphate and nitrate were studied. The usefulness of these parameters in predicting ground water quality characteristics were discussed. Thus an attempt has been made to find the quality of ground water in and around Kalavad suitable for drinking purposes after proper purification.
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