Gender and improvisation managerial situations in a project context: a comparative study between two countries (France-Senegal)

  • KAMA Joseph Gniaka Doctor in management sciences Scientific responsible of ERIM (Management Innovation Research Team, UAD)
  • LEROY Daniel University Professor in Management Sciences VALLOREM (VAL de Loire Research in Management) – E.A. 6296
  • WADE Mohamed El Bachir Professor in Management Sciences Director of FOCS (Finance Organization Control-strategy-UCAD)
Keywords: Managerial situation, project, gender, organizational improvisation, France, Senegal.


This article is interested in the managerial approach of projects. Its purpose is to study the influence of gender when actors involved in projects face managerial situations that are sources of organizational improvisation. It starts from the triple observation of a emergence of several situations problematic and contextualized generated by the project activity and requiring new skills from the actors who are responsible for it, amasculinization of project management practices and a growing number of women who come to positions of power in projects.

We conducted a quantitative questionnaire survey of 377 project actors (including 84 in Senegal) who experienced 6107 managerial situations. After having constructed the variable "organizational improvisation" with the two variables "uncertainty" and "temporal pressure", the chi-square independence tests with the X-SAT solution made it possible to identify project management situations that organizational improvisation.Variance analyzes make it possible to note statistically insignificant gender differences when actors working in a project context face improvising situations. In the context of improvisation, the level of study of the actors interviewed plays a predominant role where age has very little influence.


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How to Cite
Gniaka, K. J., Daniel, L., & El Bachir, W. (2019). Gender and improvisation managerial situations in a project context: a comparative study between two countries (France-Senegal). Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management, 13(1), 2394-2407. Retrieved from