Special Education And Training To Students With Cognitive, Emotional And Social Difficulties.

  • Maria Drossinou Korea Assistant Professor of Special Education and Training, School of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Department of Philology, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Keywords: COEMOSO Difficulties, Disability, School.


The services of special education and training (SET) are provided among other people with disabilities and to students with complex COgnitive, EMOtional  and SOcial (COEMOSO) difficulties. The purpose of this study is to highlight and understand the COEMOSO difficulties in the wide field of inherent and/or acquired situations of disability identified in the learning process and related to the rights of people with disabilities in modern school. According to Greek Law 3699/2008 on special educational needs or disability, students with COEMOSO  include those who have suffered parental abuse, neglect or are living in an environment of domestic violence and exhibiting delinquent behaviour. Our methodology builds on the bibliographical documentation from texts on legislation, the Commission on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPDs, Article 24) and the concerns raised about them and World Health Organisation (WHO) texts on Covid-19. It has also included the views of undergraduate students in the School of Humanities and Cultural Studies (SHCS) at the University of Peloponnese from 2016 to 2020. The results confirm that there is insufficient data on complex COEMOSO  difficulties in greek schools from the influence the way in which the Targeted Individual, Structured, Differentiated Teaching, Integration Intervention Program of Special Education and Training (TISDTIPSET) intervenes. Most considered that COEMOSO  difficulties are included in dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphy, which is why educational care is limited to academic deficits, ignoring emotional and social problems.


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How to Cite
Korea, M. (2020). Special Education And Training To Students With Cognitive, Emotional And Social Difficulties. Journal of Progressive Research in Social Sciences, 10(1), 23-29. Retrieved from https://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprss/article/view/1943