Operational Images and Relations of Two and Three Variables Hypergeometric Series

  • Maged Gumman Bin-Saad Department of Mathematics, Aden University, Aden, P.O.Box 6014 ,Yemen
  • Maisoon A. Hussein Department of Mathematics, Aden University, Aden, P.O.Box 6014, Yemen
Keywords: Formal operators Operational images, Appell's and Lauricella's hypergeometric functions, operational relations.


Based upon the classical derivative and integral operators we introduce a new symbolic operational images for hypergeometric functions of two and three  variables. By means of these symbolic operational images a number of operational relations among the hypergeometric functions of two and three  variables are then found. Other closely-related results are also considered.


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How to Cite
Bin-Saad, M., & Hussein, M. A. (2015). Operational Images and Relations of Two and Three Variables Hypergeometric Series. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 2(1), 39-46. Retrieved from https://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprm/article/view/46