An Improved group acceptance sampling plan for weighted binomial on time truncated testing strategy: Inverse Rayleigh Distribution

  • Itrat Batool Naqvi Department of Statistics, Forman Christian College A Chartered University Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: Improved group acceptance sampling plan; Weighted Binomial; Inverse Rayleigh Distribution; Consumer risk.


This paper elucidate an Improved group acceptance sampling plan (IGASP) using weighted binomial, when the lifetime of the test items follows invers Rayleigh distribution. The optimum numbers of group are obtained for pre-defined parameters, acceptance number, quality levels, for different levels of consumer risk. The proposed plan compared with Naqvi and Bashir (2016). The results and comparison are discussed with the help of tables and figures. It observed that sometime proposed plan showed better results than existing plan, under the same parameter settings.


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How to Cite
Naqvi, I. (2019). An Improved group acceptance sampling plan for weighted binomial on time truncated testing strategy: Inverse Rayleigh Distribution. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 15(2), 2624-2631. Retrieved from