Review of Traveling Salesman Problem for the genetic algorithms

  • Blerina Zanaj Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
  • Elma Zanaj Departament of Electronics and Telecommunications, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
Keywords: Genetic algorithms, TSP, crossover, mutation, selection.


Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are an evolutionary technique that uses the operators like mutation, crossover and the selection of the most fitted element as solution for problems optimization. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) finds a path with minimal length, closed within a weighted graph in all its nodes and it visits each of them once. This problem is found in many real world applications and where a good solution might help. There are applied many methods for finding a solution for the TSP, but during this study GAs are used as an approximate method of TSP.


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How to Cite
Zanaj, B., & Zanaj, E. (2016). Review of Traveling Salesman Problem for the genetic algorithms. Journal of Information Sciences and Computing Technologies, 5(3), 534-545. Retrieved from