Why Bell’s inequality is wrong?

  • WU Xinzhong Shanghai Jiaotong University
Keywords: EPR argument, Bell's Inequality, Quantum Gravity.


This paper examines the history from EPR argument to Bell’s inequality and the influence of Bell’s inequality on the frontier exploration of quantum mechanics. It is found that Bell’s inequality has some hidden assumptions different from EPR argument: Following Schrodinger's assumption that the measurement process of EPR experiment undergos time, Karl Hess regards time as an implicit variable of time series, and Joy Christian obtains a local implicit variable inequality different from Bell's inequality. They extended the relativistic space-time geometric analysis method to the localized geometric morphological analysis of quantum states, and considered that the Bell’s inequality reasoning did not meet the requirements of the completeness of EPR argument. Quantum statistics given by identical particles is different from classical statistics. Innovative ensemble interpretation can also solve Bell's inequality and give a demonstration of quantum non-locality. The main research progress of quantum gravity is great, but there are many divergences. According to Einstein's local realism, the new explanation and expression of quantum mechanics may open up new ideas for the study of quantum gravity.


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How to Cite
Xinzhong, W. (2020). Why Bell’s inequality is wrong?. Boson Journal of Modern Physics, 7(1), 1-11. Retrieved from https://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/bjmp/article/view/1913