The consistency, the composition and the causality of the asynchronous flows

  • Serban Vlad Oradea City Hall, piata Unirii Nr. 1, 410100, Oradea, Romania
Keywords: consistency; composition; causality; asynchronous flow; asynchronous circuit


Let ϕ : {0,1}n → {0,1}n the asynchronous flows are (discrete time and real time) functions that result by iterating the coordinates ϕi  ∈ {1,....,n} independently on each other. The purpose of the paper is that of showing that the asychronous flows fulfill the properties of consistency, composition and causality that define the dynamical systems. The origin of the problem consists in modeling the asynchronous circuits from the digital electrical engineering.


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How to Cite
Vlad, S. (2015). The consistency, the composition and the causality of the asynchronous flows. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 3(2), 152-160. Retrieved from