The behavior of the zeros of analytic functions of finite quantum systems with physical Hamiltonians

  • Ali M. Awin Department of Mathematics, University of Tripoli, P.O.Box 13217, Tripoli, Libya
  • M. Tubani Department of Mathematics, University of Tripoli, P.O.Box 13217, Tripoli, Libya
Keywords: zeros of analytic functions of finite quantum system; physical Hamiltonians


The paper contains an investigation of the behavior of the Zeros of analytic theta functions. We have considered briefly an analytic representation of finite quantum systems ZN. We note that analytic functions on a torus have exactly N zeros. A brief introduction to the zeros of analytic functions and their time evolution is given. We discuss the periodic finite quantum systems. Then we introduce the time evolution of finite quantum systems with the evolution operators which reflect physical signicance. The general ideas are demonstrated with several examples.


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How to Cite
Awin, A. M., & Tubani, M. (2016). The behavior of the zeros of analytic functions of finite quantum systems with physical Hamiltonians. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 9(2), 1361-1370. Retrieved from