On δ-Small Pseudo Projective Modules

  • Nuhad Salim Al-Mothafar Department of mathematics, College of science, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Keywords: Small pseudo projective module, small quasi projective module, small pseudo stable module.


In this paper we give three new concepts, a concepts of δ-Small pseudo projective module, δ-small quasi projective and δ-small pseudo stable module, these concepts are generalization of Pseudo Projective modules, quasi projective module and pseudo stable module respectively we will study these concepts and give some results.


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How to Cite
Al-Mothafar, N. (2015). On δ-Small Pseudo Projective Modules. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 5(2), 493-498. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprm/article/view/375