Monotonicity Results For Discrete Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Operators

  • Sherif Amirov Karabuk University
  • Waad Shaban Mahw Alzebari Karabuk University
Keywords: Discrete Fractional Calculus; Discrete Exponential Kernel; Caputo Fractional Difference; Riemann Fractional Difference; Discrete Fractional Mean Value Theorem.


Nearly every theory in mathematics has a discrete equivalent that simplifies it theoretically and practically so that it may be used in modeling real-world issues. With discrete calculus, for instance, it is possible to find the "difference" of any function from the first order up to the n-th order. On the other hand, it is also feasible to expand this theory using discrete fractional calculus and make n any real number such that the 1⁄2-order difference is properly defined. This article is divided into five chapters, each of which develops the most straightforward discrete fractional variational theory while illustrating some fundamental concepts and features of discrete fractional calculus. It is also investigated how the idea may be applied to the development of tumors. The first section provides a succinct introduction to the discrete fractional calculus and several key mathematical concepts that are utilized often in the subject. We demonstrate in section 2 that if the Caputo-Fabrizio nabla fractional difference operator  of order  and commencing at is positive for   then  is -increasing. On the other hand, if  is rising and , then . Additionally, a result of monotonicity for the Caputo-type fractional difference operator is established. We show a fractional difference version of the mean-value theorem as an application and contrast it to the traditional discrete fractional instance.


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How to Cite
Amirov, S., & Alzebari, W. (2024). Monotonicity Results For Discrete Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Operators. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 21(1), 15-23. Retrieved from