Proposed Nonparametric Tests Using Moses Test For Location and Scale Testing

  • Rhonda Magel North Dakota State University
  • Abdelaziz Alsubie Saudi Electronic University Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Completely Randomized Design, Location-Scale problem, Moses Test, Power.


Three nonparametric tests are proposed for the simple tree alternative to test for differences in location and/or scale. These tests are combinations of the Fligner-Wolfe test and a modified Moses test. A simulation study is conducted to determine how well the proposed tests maintain their significance levels. Powers are also estimated for the proposed tests under a variety of conditions for three and four populations. Three different types of variable parameters vectors are considered with each vector containing a location and a scale parameter. The first type of parameter vectors considered include different location parameters and equal scale parameters. The second type include different scale parameters and equal location parameters, and the third type include both different location parameters and different scale parameters. Results are given as far as which test does better under certain conditions.


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How to Cite
Magel, R., & Alsubie, A. (2020). Proposed Nonparametric Tests Using Moses Test For Location and Scale Testing. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 16(2), 2877-2887. Retrieved from