Dynamics of a bounded rational Cournot duopoly model with cooperation
Cournot's duopoly model, Cooperation in duopoly, Existence and Stability of Equilibrium, Simulation modeling.
In this paper, a description of a Cournot duopoly model based on a general inverse demand function and a quadratic cost function is investigated. Existence and stability of equilibrium points are investigated analytically and numerically. Cooperation in duopoly is considered with “tit-for tat” strategy.
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[23] Z. Wang, L. Wang, A. Szolnoki, M. Perc, “Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: a colloquium,” Eur. Phys. J., 88(2015)124–138.
[24] X. Deng, Q. Liu, R. Sadiq, Y. Deng, “Impact of roles assignation on heterogeneous Populations in evolutionary dictator game,” Scientific reports, 4(2014), Article number 6937.
[25] Z. Wang, S. Kokubo, M. Jusup, J. Tanimoto, “ Universal scaling for the dilemma strength in evolutionary Games,” Phys. of Life Rev., 14(2015)1–30.
[26] Z. Wang, L. Wang, M. Perc, “Degree mixing in multilayer networks impedes the evolution of cooperation,” Phys. Rev. E., 89 (5)(2014), 052813.
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[28] K. Huang, T. Wang, Y. Cheng, X. Zheng, “Effect of heterogeneous investments on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods game,” PLOS ONE , 10(3)(2015)1–10.
[29] K. Huang, Y. Cheng, X. Zheng, Y. Yang, “ Cooperative behavior evolution of small groups on interconnected networks,” Chaos Solitons Fractals, 80(…)90–95.
[30] S. Boccaletti, G. Bianconi, R. Criado, C.I. Del Genio, J. Gomez-Gardenes, M. Romance, I. Sendina-Nadal, Z. Wang, M. Zanin, “The structure and dynamics of multilayer networks, ” Phys. Rep., 544(2014)1–122.
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[32] M.F. Elettreby, Y. Cheng, “Dynamical analysis of a Cournot duopoly model, ” Journal of the Egyptian, 24(4)(2016)681-686.
[33] F. Szidarovszky, S. Yakowitz, “A new proof of the existence and uniqueness of the Cournot equilibrium,” Inter. Economic review, 18(3)(1977)787-789.
[34] V. Cafagna, P. Coccorese, “ Dynamical systems and the arising of cooperation in a Cournot duopoly,” Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 25(3)(2005)655-664.
[35] S.S. Askar, A. M. Alshamrani, K. Alnowibet, “Analysis of nonlinear duoply game: A cooperative Case,” Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. Article ID 528217, 2015, 5 pages.
How to Cite
Foul, A. (2019). Dynamics of a bounded rational Cournot duopoly model with cooperation. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 15(2), 2609-2623. Retrieved from http://scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jprm/article/view/1742
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