An alternative one parameter triangular distribution

  • Eric Batista Ferreira Federal University of Alfenas (Unifal-MG)
  • Rafael Lemos Bastos
  • Marcela Costa Rocha
Keywords: Triangular model, parsimony, probability density function, moments.


Triangular distributions are well known but not so widely studied in the specialized literature. Despite of having few applications, triangular distributions are useful in finances, econometrics, risk analysis and hydraulics. However, triangular distributions are usually conceived using two or more parameters, what gives them flexibility but turns them less parsimonious, mainly for small samples. For that reason, this paper brings a new alternative of parsimonious triangular distribution.


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How to Cite
Ferreira, E., Bastos, R., & Rocha, M. (2019). An alternative one parameter triangular distribution. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 15(1), 2569-2577. Retrieved from