Some q-Hypergeometric representations of the multiple Hurwitz zeta function

  • Fadhl S. N. Alsarahi Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Aden University, Aden, Yemen
  • Fadhle B.F.Mohsen Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Aden University, Aden, Yemen
Keywords: multiple Hurwitz zeta function, q-Hypergeometric series, q-shifted factorial and special function.


In this paper, The main object to give some new representations of the q-analogue of the multiple Hurwitz zeta function are derived.


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How to Cite
N. Alsarahi, F. S., & B.F.Mohsen, F. (2017). Some q-Hypergeometric representations of the multiple Hurwitz zeta function. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 12(1), 1718-1728. Retrieved from