Decomposition of 2-norms

  • Stela Ceno Department of Mathematics, Elbasan University, Albania
  • Gladiola Tigno Department of Mathematics, Elbasan University, Albania
Keywords: Asymmetric semi 2-norm, conjugate function of an asymmetric 2-norm, decomposition of a 2-norm.


In this paper, after introducing the notion of asymmetric semi 2-norm and asymmetric 2-norm, we present the conjugate function of an asymmetric 2-norm. Then we give a decomposition of a 2-norm in two conjugated asymmetric 2-norms.


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How to Cite
Ceno, S., & Tigno, G. (2017). Decomposition of 2-norms. Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics, 11(2), 1600-1603. Retrieved from